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About Marie Day
Ever since I can remember I have loved writing stories. For someone who was very shy as a child, writing was pure escapism. I could be whoever I wanted to be, in whatever world I wanted to inhabit. When I went into primary teaching, creative writing was my favourite part of the week. I always wanted to encourage that love of writing in my students. Now I work with adults and I want to give Begin Writing students the opportunity to be creative, to play with words, and allow their imagination to take them wherever they want to go.
As well as leading the workshops, I still spend lots of time on my own writing. My short stories have been published by Bath Flash Fiction, Oxford Flash Fiction, Flash 500, Paper Lanterns, Paperbounds and Writementor Magazine. This year I won the Henshaw Press Short Story Prize in March and I won the Eoin Colfer International Children's Short Story Award in 2022.